dr marty dog care
dr marty dog care

dr marty dog care

If the time has come to spay your dog, you would possibly be feeling a touch concerned. And that’s to be expected. After all, the one that you love a pet is going to be anesthetized dr marty dog general anesthesia. But this is often a particularly safe surgery, and within the overwhelming majority of cases, a dog comes through the spaying process just fine.

Here’s why it’s so important to spay your dog, and the way to properly look after your companion once they return home.

WHY SPAYING is important

dr marty dog The spaying process involves the removal of your dog’s reproductive organs. When owners make the choice to spay their dog, it’s one of the foremost responsible choices they will make. Unfortunately, there are many unwanted animals in shelters throughout the U.S. And it’s a tragic incontrovertible fact that many of them won’t be ready to find new homes. Spaying is the key to reducing this problem.

But there also are health benefits related to spaying.dr marty dog  for instance, a spayed dog is at a lower risk of suffering a dangerous infection of the uterus referred to as pyometra.1 she is going to even have less of an opportunity of developing cancer of the mammary glands.2


Spay | dr marty dog spaying process involves the removal of your dog’s reproductive organs, including the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. When the spay procedure is performed, your dog will not enter heat. Your vet will typically recommend that your pet not eat for about eight hours before the procedure, so as to scale back the danger of her becoming nauseous.3 Ask your vet whether or not it'll be safe for your dog to drink the hours leading up to her procedure.

You’ll also want to form sure your house is ready before you bring your dog back home after her surgery. She might want to be during a quiet area of the house to rest, far away from children, or other pets. confirm she features a clean, comfortable bed to sleep in, and place some puppy pads within the bed (and nearby) just in case she has an accident. Put her food and water bowls near the bed.


Your dog will likely seem “out of it” after spay surgery. this is often to be expected because she is going to still be feeling the consequences of anesthesia. Watch her carefully when she walks around the house because she won't have her balance just yet.4

She will probably click with an Elizabethan collar or cone, dr marty dog so she can’t lick her stitches. But you’ll get to take other steps to form sure nothing happens to the world where the incisions were made during the spaying procedure. If the stitches tear, or if the world gets dirty, that would cause an infection. Gently help her into the car once you bring her home from the vet’s office, but try to not pick her up. And don’t carry her when you’re back home, because that would damage the stitches.

You’ll want to form sure your dog stays as calm as possible for every week or two after surgery to guard the incision area.5

Spay | Dr. MartyDifferent dogs handle anesthesia differently. Some are fairly on the brink of normal once they are available out of it, but others may have to sleep an excellent deal quite usual. Don’t worry if your pet wants to sleep for an extended time.

dr marty dog Also, be prepared to wash up some vomit around the home the primary day after surgery. this is often a traditional side effect of the anesthesia and not a symbol of ill health.6 It’s also normal for a dog to not want to eat or drink for each day approximately after being spayed. If you’re concerned, sign up together with your veterinarian.

SIGNS OF a drag

A critical part of your dog’s care after spaying is to be alert for any potential health issues. for instance, check her incisions regularly, and take her back to the vet if you notice any bleeding, swelling, redness, or oozing. These might be signs of an infection.7

Other issues to observe out for include an excessive amount of panting or crying and pale gums. Also, if she continues to be lethargic two or more days after the surgery, that would be a problem also. ask your vet about how best to deal with things .8


Having your dog spayed may be a good decision on your part. Not only will this help prevent potentially severe health problems, but it'll also help reduce overcrowding within the pet population. dr marty dogTaking some steps before and after the procedure will ensure your dog gets the simplest care possible as she recovers.