dr marty dog
dr marty dog food
dr marty dog food

dr marty dog food

dr marty dog Nature’s Blend could even be a replacement pet food whose only ingredients are a variety of freeze-dried meat, poultry, and fish also like fruits and vegetables.

What makes the food unique is that it uses natural, “raw” ingredients and doesn't contain any filler grains that you’d find with cheaper pet food. dr marty dog The freeze-dried element could even be a rare trait, too, as most food is cooked in factories first or is wet food out of a can.

dr marty dog could even be a brand named after veterinarian dr marty dog Goldstein. consistent with the company’s website, Goldstein is lauded as “one of the world’s leading veterinarians” for quite 40 years. Goldstein could even be a graduate of Cornell University’s College of Medicine and authored a book titled, “The Nature of Animal Healing:dr marty dog  The Definitive medical care Guide to Caring for Your Dog and Cat”.

In a time when organic, non-GMO food could even be a huge deal for human consumers,dr marty dog  petfood that contains freeze-dried whole foods is certainly an appealing option for dog owners. during this review, we’ll analyze Nature’s Blend, mention what its ingredients do, what it costs, and thus the way it compares to other similar dog foods.

At the very best of our review, dr marty dog we’ll include an opinion-based section that covers our thoughts about the overall strengths and weaknesses of this product.

Nature’s Blend Feeding Plan

The food’s website features a very specific daily feeding schedule counting on a load of your dog:

5 lbs: ½ cup

10 lbs.: ¾ cup

20 lbs.: 1 ¼ cup

25 lbs.: 1 ½ cup

30 lbs.: 1 ¾ cups

40 lbs.: 2 cups

50 lbs.: 2 ½ cups

60 lbs.: 2 ¾ cups

70 lbs.: 3 ¼ cups

80 lbs.: 3 ½ cups

90 lbs.: 3 ¾ cups

dr marty dog  Nature’s Blend Ingredients: What they're and TheirBenefits

The defining characteristics of this pet food are its ingredients. because the food’s website says, “Nature’s Blend … maybe a nutrition-packed formula designed to provide your dog a healthier, happier life. We blend a variety of (ingredients) for the balanced, complete nutrition your dog needs.”

Here’s the list of the ingredients contained within the dog food:






Beef liver

Turkey hearts

Turkey liver

Sweet potato


Pea flour





Pumpkin seeds




Mixed tocopherols

As you'll see, this is often often often a hefty list of natural ingredients barren of the common fillers you see like cornmeal.

Now, ingredients play an enormous role in your dog’s nutrition, but so do the food’s balance of proteins, moisture, and other ingredients. There must be a selected balance so on supply your dog with a beneficial meal.

Here’s a breakdown of those factors:

Crude protein: 39%

Crude fat: 23%

Crude fiber: 2.5%

Moisture: 5%

Omega-3 fatty acids: 5%

We turned to PetMD’s page on balanced dog foods to urge a thought of where these percentages fall in terms of the recommended allowances.

PetMD says that protein amounts should be between 18% and 25% which the fat content of pet food should be between 10% and 15%.

And, consistent with pet company IAMS, the fiber content of your pet food should be between 1.4% and 3.5%.

Also, dog website This Dog’s Life notes that moisture content should be between 6% and 10%.

Based on these numbers, we expect that dr marty dog Nature’s Blend is on the high side for protein and fat, right the mark for fiber and slightly below the traditional range for moisture, which is understandable because the food is freeze-dried.

The high fat maybe slightly a bit of a priority because it can have negative effects on your dog’s health as long as you aren’t giving your dog daily exercise.

“The problem comes in when animals are allowed to eat excessive amounts of calories (including table scraps and treats) without proportionate exercise,” things notes.

Now, on the positive side, proteins contain amino acids that are the building blocks for your dog’s muscles and, since they only produce half what they have on their own, they have to urge an honest amount from their food.

Fats,dr marty dog points out, “provide energy, also as taste or flavor, to foods, and encourage the absorption of certain vitamins.”

Their article goes on to mention that fat can help dogs “maintain healthy skin and a shiny, healthy, coat.”

As a fast side note, This Dog’s Life notes that mixed tocopherols are a vitamin E supplement and are far healthier than the choice, a preservative called “BHA”.

dr marty dog Nature’s Blend Cost and Return Policy

With numerous natural ingredients packed into a bag of Dr. Marty Nature’s Blend, it can, no doubt, be considered a premium pet food. As such, it demands premium prices compared to other pet food that we’ll mention after we discuss pricing and returns.

dr marty dog bags contain 16 ounces of food and, at the time of publishing, were available via subsequent pricing tiers:

1 bag: $29.95

3 bags: $83.95

6 bags: $161.70

According to a 2012 article from the Washinton Post, one pound of pet food has about four cups of food in it, which suggests one bag can last a 20 lb. dog for 3 days. The larger the dog you've, the less the times your food will last, with 90-pound dogs consuming nearly a whole bag in at some point.

With this in mind, we expect that Nature’s Blend pricing is considerably high, as a 20-pound dog will need about 9.5 bags of food to form it through a 30-day month or around $275 a month for 10 bags.

Open Farm is another company that provides free-dried raw pet food. Their 13.5 oz. bags are $29.99, which finishes up being costlier than Nature’s Blend because each Open Farm bag contains 2.5 fewer ounces of pet food.

dr marty dog Nature’s Blend could even be a replacement pet food whose only ingredients are a variety of freeze-dried meat, poultry, and fish also like fruits and vegetables.

What makes the food unique is that it uses natural, “raw” ingredients and doesn't contain any filler grains that you’d find with cheaper pet food. The dr marty dog freeze-dried element could even be a rare trait, too, as most food is cooked in factories first or is wet food out of a can.

dr marty dog could even be a brand named after veterinarian Dr. Martin Goldstein. consistent with the company’s website, Goldstein is lauded as “one of the world’s leading veterinarians” for quite 40 years. Goldstein could even be a graduate of Cornell University’s College of Medicine and authored a book titled, “The Nature of Animal Healing: The Definitive medical care Guide to Caring for Your Dog and Cat”.

In a time when organic, non-GMO food could even be a huge deal for human consumers, petfood that contains freeze-dried whole foods is certainly an appealing option for dog owners. during this review, we’ll analyze Nature’s Blend, mention what its ingredients do, what it costs, and thus the way it compares to other similar dog foods.

At the very best of our review, we’ll include an opinion-based section that covers our thoughts about the overall strengths and weaknesses of this product.

Nature’s Blend Feeding Plan

The food’s website features a very specific daily feeding schedule counting on a load of your dog:

5 lbs: ½ cup

10 lbs.: ¾ cup

20 lbs.: 1 ¼ cup

25 lbs.: 1 ½ cup

30 lbs.: 1 ¾ cups

40 lbs.: 2 cups

50 lbs.: 2 ½ cups

60 lbs.: 2 ¾ cups

70 lbs.: 3 ¼ cups

80 lbs.: 3 ½ cups

90 lbs.: 3 ¾ cups

 dr marty dog Nature’s Blend Ingredients: What they're and Their Benefits

The defining characteristics of this pet food are its ingredients. because the food’s website says, “Nature’s Blend … maybe a nutrition-packed formula designed to provide your dog a healthier, happier life. We blend a variety of (ingredients) for the balanced, complete nutrition your dog needs.”

Here’s the list of the ingredients contained within the dog food:






Beef liver

Turkey hearts

Turkey liver

Sweet potato


Pea flour





Pumpkin seeds




Mixed tocopherols

As you'll see, this is often often often a hefty list of natural ingredients barren of the common fillers you see like cornmeal.

Now, ingredients play an enormous role in your dog’s nutrition, but so do the food’s balance of proteins, moisture, and other ingredients. There must be a selected balance so on supply your dog with a beneficial meal.

Here’s a breakdown of those factors:

Crude protein: 39%

Crude fat: 23%

Crude fiber: 2.5%

Moisture: 5%

Omega-3 fatty acids: 5%

We turned to PetMD’s page on balanced dog foods to urge a thought of where these percentages fall in terms of the recommended allowances.

PetMD says that protein amounts should be dr marty dog  between 18% and 25% which the fat content of pet food should be between 10% and 15%.

And, consistent with pet company IAMS, the fiber content of your pet food should be between 1.4% and 3.5%.

Also, dog website This Dog’s Life notes that moisture content should be between 6% and 10%.

Based on these numbers, we expect that Dr. Marty Nature’s Blend is on the high side for protein and fat, right the mark for fiber and slightly below the traditional range for moisture, which is understandable because the food is freeze-dried.

The high fat maybe slightly a bit of a priority because it can have negative effects on your dog’s health as long as you aren’t giving your dog daily exercise.

“The problem comes in when animals are allowed to eat excessive amounts of calories (including table scraps and treats) without proportionate exercise,” things notes.

Now, on the positive side, proteins contain amino acids that are the building blocks for your dog’s muscles and, dr marty dog since they only produce half what they have on their own, they have to urge an honest amount from their food.

Fats, PetMD points out, “provide energy, also as taste or flavor, to foods, and encourage the absorption of certain vitamins.”

Their article goes on to mention that fat can help dogs “maintain healthy skin and a shiny, healthy, coat.”

As a fast side note, This Dog’s Life notes that mixed tocopherols are a vitamin E supplement and are far healthier than the choice, a preservative called “BHA”.

dr marty dog Nature’s Blend Cost and Return Policy

With numerous natural ingredients packed into a bag of Dr. Marty Nature’s Blend, it can, no doubt, be considered a premium pet food. As such, it demands premium prices compared to other pet food that we’ll mention after we discuss pricing and returns.

dr marty dog bags contain 16 ounces of food and, at the time of publishing, were available via subsequent pricing tiers:

1 bag: $29.95

3 bags: $83.95

6 bags: $161.70

According to a 2012 article from the Washinton Post, one pound of pet food has about four cups of food in it, which suggests one bag can last a 20 lb. dog for 3 days. The larger the dog you've, the less the times your food will last, with 90-pound dogs consuming nearly a whole bag in at some point.